Building, Premises and Equipment
Тhe site consists of a single buiding with a built up area of approximately 4,400 square meters. The building (located in a light industrial area) is made up of several floors. It hosts the microbiological /QC/, R&D laboratory and administrative offices on the second floor, the finished products warehouse and packaging areas on the first floor and manufacturing areas and the raw materials warehouse on the ground floor.
The company does not manufacture any beta-lactams, hormones and pesticides/herbicides.
Annual capacities:
Production capacity calculated for 3 workday shifts, 220 work days/year (11 months and excluding 8 National Holidays):
1 600 000 000 tablets
425 000 000 capsules
37 400 000 pcs. Packaging
27 700 000 sachets
4 700 000 liquids
4 700 000 tubes
4 700 000 bottles with powder
Equipment for serialization/temper evidence and Aggregation available onsite as per EU and Russia requirements.
Quality Management
Adipharm has established, documented and implemented a system for managing its quality operations. Responsibilities have been clearly defined and the Quality Unit is independent of Production. The key elements of quality management are in place.
The QA department has the responsibility for approving or rejecting all procedures and specifications impacting on the identity, strength quality and purity of the finished product.
Quality Control
The QC unit is divided in two laboratories, one QC Chemical laboratory and one QC Microbiological laboratory.
Samples analysed include incoming materials, intermediates, finished product, environmental samples, water, validation and cleaning samples.
Equipment is appropriately calibrated and validated.
Perspective developments
Adipharm is constantly investing in the expansion and renewal of its production base through cost-effective, compact and high-performance production systems, as well as in the training and growth of its team.
Adipharm’s latest investment is worth over 10 € million, which covers the expansion of the whole facility and the purchase of the latest high-tech equipment and appliances.
The company is responsible for the reliable and precise time distribution of more than 100 brands in the markets it serves.
The production of each product is in full compliance with the control and registration documentation for each individual market.

Отговорност на Адифарм ЕАД е да осигурява непрекъснато съответствие с изискванията на добраните производствени практики (GMPs).
Ние имаме амбициозна инвестиционна програма за непрекъснато разширяване и обновяване на производствените си възможности чрез икономически ефективни, компактни и високопроизводителни производствени системи.
Производственият ни завод е оборудван с ново, последно поколение високо-технологично оборудване, което предлага модерни методи за производство на широка гама от продукти.